Clare Crawford-Mason collaborated with Dr. W. Edwards Deming to produce the authoritative rendering of his management philosophy in videocassette format. She is co-author of two best-selling books about the developing global market and the life and ideas of Dr. Deming: "Quality Or Else: The Revolution in World Business," Times Books, 1994; and "Thinking About Quality: Joy, Meaning, and Profit in the Workplace," Houghton Mifflin, 1991. Both are still in print. Most recently she co-authored "The Nun and the Bureaucrat…How They Found an Unlikely Cure for America’s Sick Hospitals." It is a companion to "Good News: How Hospitals Heal Themselves," 2006 for PBS.
A former NBC senior producer,
Ms. Crawford-Mason is most noted as the producer of
"If Japan Can Why Can’t We?" the NBC white paper, which introduced Dr. Deming and his ideas to the West, set off the quality revolution and brought about the market for management training videocassettes. She produced "Quality…Or Else!" a PBS documentary series on problems of globalization and American ingenuity in the workplace, school, and government. (The series is used in junior college and college classes to explain the new workplace and world economic order.) She was a founding editor and for nine years Washington Bureau Chief of People Magazine. She produced the first television documentaries and national magazine reports on spouse abuse, child sexual abuse, and abortion as a political issue.
The documentary aired on PBS and its companion book The Nun and the Bureaucrat…introduce the practice of systems thinking. The viewer will see in a hospital setting how workers and managers learn to manage things they can’t control, learning on the job to make continual improvement a rewarding everyday experience.
ThreePBS reports of 1991 introduce the viewer to the global market and the imperative need for individuals and organizations to practice continual improvement for survival in an environment of complexity, rapid change, and relentless competition. Widely used for college and university courses to introduce underlying quality issues. Includes course of study and learner notebooks. 57 min. each.
This NBC News White Paper began the Quality Revolution in America and introduced W. Edwards Deming to Western managers. It tells how the Japanese captured the world auto and electronics markets by following Deming’s advice to practice continual improvement and think of manufacturing as a system, not as bits and pieces. The report is an important historical document. It provides a deeper understanding of why we have had to learn to work and live with rapid change, growing complexity, and relentless global competition. The program is an excellent consciousness raiser. Viewers are usually startled to see Deming predicting nearly three decades ago what has happened.
70 min.
PlexusCalls: How Hospitals Heal Themselves
general Speech/presentation
Mar, 2006 - Crawford-Mason, Clare ; Kimball, Lisa
Join journalist, TV producer and author Clare Crawford-Mason and Lisa Kimball, Plexus Trustee and owner of Group Jazz, in conversation about Ms. Crawford-Mason's latest project: a PBS documentary Good News: How Hospitals Heal Themselves.
It's an inspiring story of how healthcare professionals looked at old problems through a new lens, and found innovative ways to save lives and reduce mistakes and waste at more than 60 hospitals.
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